Monday, July 10, 2006


Onigiri and Black Bean Croquette!

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Fried Rice!

Mmmm, we went to the Farmers' Market again yesterday and got a ten pound bag of oranges! :D They are so delicious! We also got some lettuce, baby greens with flowers, broccoli, and cage-free eggs! I'm loving the eggs, they're all different colors! We also got 4 donut peaches! Oh man...I had one when we got home and it was just so delicious! Go out and try them! Aren't they also called Saturn peaches?

We went to 99 Ranch Market yesterday, too! I know in my interests it says I like vegan food, but the food I make for my boyfriend is vegetarian. At 99 Ranch we bought imitation egg noodles
(it's weird, on the package it says they use fresh eggs, then it's not listed in the ingredients *shrug*), strawberry Pocky, chocolate Pandas, a rice cracker mix, some containers that Jeff will use as a bento, fried rice and stir fry seasonings, wasabi, nori, and furikake(rice seasoning). I gave some nori to the rats last night and they scarfed it! They love it so much ^^
I made the fried rice last night so I could pack it for Jeff for lunch for work. It was so good! But the rice came out gummy :/ We're thinking about getting a rice cooker.
Anyway, I added a bag of frozen veggies to the fried rice(peas, corn, lima beans, green beans) and I added some broccoli and 2 eggs.
I would include a picture, but Jeff scarfed the leftover rice before I could get a picture, and then I was so tired I forgot to take a picture. I made the rice around 10-11 last night ><

Well, it's time to make food! I will definitely take and post pictures of that!

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